Waar leven tijgers in India?
Bandhavgarh National Park – tijgers spotten in India In Bandhavgarh heb je de meeste kans om een tijger te spotten. Bandhavgarh heeft diverse landschappen, zoals graslanden, rotsformaties en jungle en is een van de mooiste nationale parken van India.
Hoeveel tijgers leven er in India?
In 2006 waren er in India nog 1.411 tijgers in het wild, in 2010 was het aantal gegroeid naar 1.706 en in 2014 waren er al 2.226. En nu staat de teller op 2.967. India is het land met de meeste tijgers, en ook in Nepal en Rusland groeit het aantal tijgers gestaag.
Where is Dachigam National Park located?
The Dachigam National Park is situated around 22 kilometers from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu & Kashmir. It is towards the north-east side of Srinagar and located in the Zabarwan mountain range. The park is spread across an area of 141 sq. km. The forest area was initially owned by the then King of Jammu & Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh.
What kind of animals live in Dachigam?
Other inhabitants at Dachigam are Musk deer, Brown Bear, Leopards, Jungle Cats, Himalayan black bear, and a few species of wild goat like the markhor and ibex.
Why visit the Dachigam Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttarakhand?
At the Dachigam wildlife sanctuary, you can experience the Himalayan wilderness in its true essence. When translated, the word ‘Dachigam’ literally means ten villages. The park got its name owing to the ten villages that had to be relocated for the formation of the park.
What is the best time to visit Dachigam?
Dachigam was initially established to ensure the supply of clean drinking water to Srinagar city. A protected area since 1910, it was declared as a national park in 1981. The park is best known as the home of the hangul, or Kashmir stag. Dachigam is open throughout the year, but the best time to visit is between April and August.