Waar vliegt Aer Lingus heen?

Waar vliegt Aer Lingus heen?

De thuishaven van Aer Lingus is te vinden in Dublin. Vanuit Nederland vliegt de low-cost airline alleen vanaf het Amsterdamse Schiphol. De maatschappij vliegt naar meer dan 190 bestemmingen vanuit Engeland, Ierland en vele andere landen in Europa met hun basis in Belfast, Cork, Dublin, Shannon en London Gatwick.

Welke vertrekhal Aer Lingus Schiphol?

Vertrekhal 2

Vertrekhal Luchtvaartmaatschappij Vluchtnummer
2 Aer Lingus EI
2 Air Europa UX
2 Air France AF
2 Alitalia AZ

Welke terminal KLM Schiphol?

Amsterdam Schiphol heeft drie vertrekhallen. De meeste internationale vluchten vertrekken vanaf vertrekhal 3, hoewel achterin deze vertrekhal ook budgetmaatschappijen als easyJet en Ryanair worden ingecheckt. Vluchten van KLM vind je in vertrekhal 2 en de meeste vluchten van Transavia worden ingecheckt in vertrekhal 1.

Where does Aer Lingus fly?

Where does Aer Lingus fly? Aer Lingus serves 5 domestic destinations and 79 international destinations in 22 countries, as of February 2022. The following is an overview of all Aer Lingus flights and destinations:

What does Aer Lingus stand for?

Aer Lingus ( / ˌɛər ˈlɪŋɡəs / air LING-gəs; an anglicisation of the Irish aerloingeas [ˌeːɾˠˈl̪ˠɪɲɟəsˠ], meaning “air fleet”) is the flag carrier of Ireland. Founded by the Irish Government, it was privatised between 2006 and 2015 and it is now a wholly owned subsidiary of International Airlines Group (IAG).

Is Aer Lingus part of Oneworld?

Aer Lingus withdrew from the Oneworld airline alliance on 31 March 2007, instead, entering into bilateral agreements with airlines including British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Delta Air Lines, KLM, and United Airlines.

Where is Aer Lingus head office located?

The airline’s head office is on the grounds of Dublin Airport in Cloghran, County Dublin . Formed in 1936, Aer Lingus is a former member of the Oneworld airline alliance, which it left on 31 March 2007.