Waar is Equatoriaal Guinea?

Waar is Equatoriaal Guinea?

Equatoriaal-Guinea, officieel de Republiek Equatoriaal-Guinea, is een land in Afrika, bestaand uit een continentaal gedeelte, Mbini, dat grenst aan Gabon en Kameroen, en het eiland Bioko, waar de hoofdstad Malabo ligt. Bij het land hoort ook het eilandje Annobón.

Wat is het equatoriale vlak?

1) Vlak dat in een zich delende cel loodrecht staat op de as tussen de beide polen en waarin zich op een bepaald moment van de kerndeling de chromosomen bevinden.

What does Equatorial Guinea stand for?

Equatorial Guinea ( Spanish: Guinea Ecuatorial; French: Guinée équatoriale; Portuguese: Guiné Equatorial ), officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: República de Guinea Ecuatorial, French: République de Guinée équatoriale, Portuguese: República da Guiné Equatorial ), is a country located on the west coast…

What are the key facts of Equatorial Guinea?

The country is a member of the African Union, Francophonie, OPEC and the CPLP . After becoming independent from Spain in 1968, Equatorial Guinea was ruled by President for life Francisco Macías Nguema until he was overthrown in a coup in 1979 by his nephew Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo who has served as the country’s president since.

What is wrong with Equatorial Guinea?

In 2011, Freedom House put Equatorial Guinea in its “worst of the worst” category for governments that violate human rights and civil liberties, which also includes North Korea, Sudan, and Turkmenistan. Corruption, poverty, and repression continue to plague Equatorial Guinea.

Who is Equatorial Guinea’s Obiang?

Equatorial Guinea was the 174th lowest scoring nation out of a total of 180 countries. Freedom House, a pro-democracy and human rights NGO, described Obiang as one of the world’s “most kleptocratic living autocrats,” and complained about the US government welcoming his administration and buying oil from it.