Hoe zaai je Cosmea?

Hoe zaai je Cosmea?

Cosmea zaaien In een bak zaaien kan ook met potgrond met zo’n 15% wit zand erdoor. In april / mei kan het gezaaid worden onder glas, de jonge plantjes kunnen dan in mei of juni buiten verpoot worden naar buiten. In mei en juni kan je de zaden direct buiten in de volle grond uitzaaien.

Is amarant eetbaar?

Amarant houdt van vochtige grond en staat het liefste in de volle zon. De plant is eetbaar maar heeft de eigenschap nitraten in de bladeren op te slaan als ze op een plek staat waar veel chemische meststoffen zijn gebruikt. Eet de plant dus alleen als deze biologisch geteeld is op gezonde grond.

What is Amaranthus caudatus?

An architectural feature in the summer garden, Amaranthus caudatus (Love-Lies-Bleeding) is a striking, erect annual or biennial noted for its unusual, long tassel-like racemes of tiny crimson flowers in summer and fall. The blossoms stand out against the foliage of large, light green, ovate leaves, 10 in. long (25 cm).

How tall does Amaranthus grow?

The plant grows 2 to 8 feet tall and from 1 to 3 feet wide. The type of soil will impact the growth of love lies bleeding, with plants growing in rich soil or compost typically getting taller than those grown in average soil. Well-drained loam is best for Amaranthus, but it will do well in almost any soil.

Are Amaranthus seeds edible?

The seeds of this species are edible, and species plants are grown as a grain crop in some parts of South America. This plant is an everlasting whose flowers retain good color when dried for arrangements. Genus name comes from the Greek word amarantos meaning unfading in reference to the long-lasting flowers of some species.

How do you plant Amaranthus seeds?

Well-drained loam is best for Amaranthus, but it will do well in almost any soil. You may be able to find starts at a garden center, or you can plant seeds inside 8 weeks before the last frost. Expect to see flowers three months after planting seeds.