Wat is een nucleaire arts?
Op de Nucleaire Geneeskunde gebruiken we radioactieve stoffen om diagnoses te stellen en behandelingen uit te voeren. In de meeste gevallen krijgt u de stof toegediend via een prik in de arm. Daarna maken we foto’s met speciale camera’s (gamma- of PET-camera).
Wat doet de Nucleaire Geneeskunde?
De nucleaire geneeskunde wordt vooral gebruikt om diverse vormen van kanker en schildklieraandoeningen te behandelen. De radio-isotopen richten zich enkel op de zieke cellen en vernietigen die, zonder daarbij het omliggende weefsel aan te tasten. Hoe bestrijdt kerntechnologie kanker?
What are the disadvantages of technetium 99?
…phases of radionuclide imaging is technetium-99. It has the disadvantage of a long half-life (six hours), however, and other radionuclides with shorter half-lives are also used. These radionuclides all emit gamma rays, and a scintillation camera is used to detect gamma-ray emission.
What is the half-life of technetium 99?
Molybdenum-99, with a half-life of 65.94 hours , decays into technetium-99 through beta decay. While technetium has never been found to occur naturally on earth, its spectral lines have been observed in S-, M- and N-type stars. Technetium’s most stable isotope, technetium-98, has a half-life of about 4,200,000 years .
How many protons and neutrons does technetium – 99 have?
The nucleus consists of 43 protons (red) and 55 neutrons (blue). 43 electrons (green) bind to the nucleus, successively occupying available electron shells (rings). Subsequently, question is, how many protons does technetium 99? One is promethium, with a nucleus containing 61 protons, and the other has an atomic number of 43: technetium.
What is technetium 99 half life?
Technetium-99 is a technetium atom. Technetium TC-99m is one of the radioactive isotopes of technetium, a gamma/beta-emitter with a half life of 6 hours. Technetium-99m is the metastable isotope of technetium. It is commonly symbolized as 99mTc and used in the area of medical diagnosis.