Waar werd Spider-Man gebeten?

Waar werd Spider-Man gebeten?

In de Ultimate Marvel Strips verkrijgt Spider-Man zijn krachten na te zijn gebeten door een genetisch gemanipuleerde spin tijdens een uitstapje naar Osborn Industries, het bedrijf van Norman Osborn (de Green Goblin).

Wie vertolkte Spider-Man?

De film is gebaseerd op de Marvel Comics-strips over de superheld Spider-Man. De film behandelt Spider-Mans oorsprong en zijn eerste grote gevecht met superschurk Green Goblin. De hoofdrollen in de film worden vertolkt door Tobey Maguire, James Franco, Willem Dafoe en Kirsten Dunst.

Is Spider-Man’s New York City in-universe?

While these locations do not exist in the actual New York, they are a nice nod to the in-universe New York City that Peter Parker inhabits. Marvel’s Spider-Man has included some of the most iconic landmarks in the New York City skyline. The One World Trade Center makes its debut as the tallest building in Insomniac’s Manhattan.

How accurate is Marvel’s Spider-Man’s New York City?

Marvel’s Spider-Man has one of the most accurate video game representations of New York to date, but it’s lacking a few important landmarks. The PS4 exclusive Marvel’s Spider-Man has been applauded for its phenomenal depiction of New York, with many players considering it the best recreation of the city to date.

Where does Marvel’s Spider-Man take place?

New York City is the main setting of Marvel’s Spider-Man. It is the home of almost every heroes and villains who were born, and raised and are reside here. In 2018, soon after the arrest of Wilson Fisk by the NYPD and Spider-Man, New York City was targeted by the Demons, a terrorist group lead by Mister Negative.

Is New York City a city in the Marvel Universe?

New York City is classified as a Global City, and houses the United Nations. In the Mainstream Universe, New York City is a superhero hub. Fantastic Four and Avengers headquarters are located within the city. Major heroes like Spider-Man and Daredevil also operate in various neighborhoods.