Wat te doen bij extreem perfectionisme?
Mensen die perfectionistisch zijn, maken zich vaak druk om wat anderen van ze vinden. Maar je kunt niet in het hoofd van een ander kijken. De enige manier om te achterhalen hoe anderen over jou denken, is het vragen. Vraag daarom eens feedback aan je baas, collega’s en andere mensen om je heen.
Hoe uit perfectionisme zich?
Je vertoont vaak uitstelgedrag. Perfectionisten hebben vaak een diepgewortelde angst om te falen en proberen daarom niet zelden taken voor zich uit te schuiven, uit angst dat ze het niet goed zullen doen en/of kritiek zullen krijgen.
What is perfectionism about?
In other words, perfectionism appears to be about perfecting things out there in the world. This makes some sense given that the behaviors associated with perfectionism are visible and easy to spot: Staying at work late every night, reviewing the report for a fifth time, putting in an extra half hour on the elliptical, etc.
What does other-oriented perfectionism mean?
Other-oriented perfectionism means imposing unrealistic standards of perfection on others. Socially-prescribed perfectionism involves perceiving unrealistic expectations of perfection from others. Is perfectionism a mental illness? Created with Sketch.
How does perfectionism cause chronic stress?
Chronic Stress. Perfectionism drives people to constantly do more, leading folks who struggle with it to take on far more projects, challenges, and stressors than they can reasonably handle. This surplus of to-dos quickly leads to chronic stress and burnout.
What is the central paradox of perfectionism?
Most people with perfectionism will admit that they know intuitively that on some level their expectations and efforts toward achieving perfect outcomes are both unrealistic and detrimental, that true perfection is impossible. Which leads us to the central paradox of perfectionism: